

Air purifier manufacturer teach you how to use air purifier correctly

Air purifier manufacturer teach you how to use air purifier correctly

As more and more people start to pay attention to our air quality, the air purifier products that have been around for years are getting a lot of attention again. The original air purifier not only needs to be used after decoration, but also needs clean air and clean indoor environment in daily life. How to use air purifier correctly and which environment is suitable for it? Here is a guide for you:

Notes for use of air purifier

1. The machine should be put at room temperature for half an hour before starting up.

2. The ambient temperature is lower than 10-40 degrees.

3. Use clean water with temperature below 40 degrees.

4. Keep away from other household appliances when the machine works.

5. Do not add non-professional production line or supervised additives in water.

6. Do not place the humidifier on the empty object to avoid the co-frequency resonance noise.

7. Do not start the machine without water.

2. Daily maintenance of air purifier

1. The front filter screen (usually the rear cover of the case) will accumulate some dust for a long time, which will affect the air intake and the air purification effect. So, use vacuum cleaner to remove the dust, or use cloth to clean, or even wash water.

2. Filter net: part of the filter net shall be exposed to the sun regularly to maintain the purification efficiency, such as activated carbon filter net.

3. Deodorant filter, the deodorant filter of a few brands of air purifiers, to achieve the water-washable technical level, which can be washed to maintain the purification efficiency and extend the period of filter changing.

4. Ion generators are generally built in and do not need to be cleaned. Better ion generators work more efficiently.

Applicable places for air purifier

A newly renovated or renovated residence.

2. Homes for the elderly, children, pregnant women and newborns.

3. Residence for people with asthma, allergic rhinitis and pollen allergy.

4. Housing for pets and livestock.

5. More closed or affected by second-hand smoke.

6. Hotel, public place.